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Spotted This Week: Crested Barbet


With a final break in winter, a hint of spring in the air, we celebrated the gorgeous sunny day with a braai when the Crested Barbet announced his presence with a call such as no other and kept us company. What a little treasure, love its little 'mohawk', bright speckled red and yellow forehead, speckled black and white feathers and it's bright yellow body - absolutely gorgeous. You most definitely can't mistake the Crested Barbet's call, it's a loud, long trill sound and most definitely distinct!

Crested Barbet Facts

  • Crested Barbets can be very territorial and aggressive, especially during the breeding season

  • These barbets are omnivorous, eating both plants and animals, but their main diet consists of fruit and regularly eat insects, eggs, snails, termites, and at times mice, young birds and hatchlings.

  • They typically nest in trees or logs in gardens.

  • They are very vocal birds with a shrill, drum-like rapid trill that lasts for several minutes.

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